President of European Foundation for Support of Culture



Dear Friends!

We would like to cordially welcome You to our new project – Festival of Modern Composers which is ready to be launched in Malta in October 2016. Our first edition is dedicated to art works and life of the most famous composer in Malta Mro Joseph Vella.

Our choice is not random. Our Foundation was born in Malta and our mission is to promote arts and culture on this beautiful and friendly island involving different local and foreign communities for implementation of our projects and events.

Festival of Modern Composers is a premier forum for the advancement, dissemination and interchange of new music from around the world. Through this Festival, we will promote contemporary music in all its varied forms, strengthening musical life in their local contexts and making their music and its creators known to world.

Festival of Modern Composers which we are planning to organize on a regular basis is one of the principle vehicles through which we pursue our mission. Organizing across-the-board the Festival will present music from all over the world showcasing the incredible diversity of musical practice in our time.

Konstantin Ishkhanov,

President of European Foundation for Support of Culture.